UIImageView * myView = [[ UIImageView alloc ] initWithImage : [UIImage imageNamed : @"wordpress.png" ]]; [myTextField setLeftView :myView]; [ myTextField setLeftViewMode: UITextFieldViewModeAlways]; [myView release ];
-- http://www.icodeblog.com/2010/01/04/uitextfield-a-complete-api-overview/
A Complete API Overview
The UITextField is probably one of the most
commonly used UI controls on the iPhone. It is the primary method of
user input via the keyboard and provides a great deal of additional
With the success of our las API tutorial on NSArray,
I thought I would do another walkthrough, this time on UITextField. I
will be explaining all of the properties for it as well as bringing up
some functionality that you may not have known about.Text Attributes
The attributes have to do with the actual text inside of the UITextField.
text | The text displayed in the UITextField |
placeholder | The text that gets displayed prior to the user entering in anything. This text is usually a lighter color than the primary text to denote that it will be replaced. |
font | The font of the text to be displayed. You can set it like this |
textColor | The color of the text that is displayed |
textAlignment | How the text is aligned in the UITextField. The possible values for this are UITextAlignmentLeft, UITextAlignmentRight, UITextAlignmentCenter |
Here are some examples of using these properties.
// Setting the text [myTextField setText:@"This is some text!"]; // Setting the placeholder [myTextField setPlaceholder:@"Type text here"]; // Setting the font. [myTextField setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Times New Roman" size:14]]; // Setting the text color [myTextField setTextColor:[UIColor blueColor]]; // Setting the text alignment [myTextField setTextAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter];
Adjusting the size of the text in the UITextField
The text displayed in our UITextField can be
dynamically sized based on the width of the UITextField. The benefit of
this is all of the text being typed will be visible on the screen. It
will shrink the text down until it reaches the default font size of 17.
So, for this to make sense, you must set the font size of the
UITextField to something larger than 17.
adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth | Boolean value denoting whether to fit the font size to the width of the UITextField. |
Here is an example of using these properties.
[myTextField setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Times New Roman" size:30]]; [myTextField setAdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:YES];
Managing the editor’s behavior
These two properties are pretty straight forward.
editing | Read-only boolean value letting you know if the user is currently editing the UITextField |
clearsOnBeginEditing | Clears the text in the field every time the user begins to edit it. |
Not very exciting and probably doesn’t even deserve an example…
Setting the view’s background appearance
This group of properties defines how the
UITextField will look. If you have ever seen a fancy input box, this is
how they are doing it.
borderStyle | Defines the type of border for the UITextField. Possible choices are UITextBorderStyleNone, UITextBorderStyleLine, UITextBorderStyleBezel, and UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect. The default is UITextBorderStyleNone. |
background | A UIImage representing the background image of the UITextField when it’s enabled. If this field is altered the borderStyle property is ignored. |
backgroundDisabled | A UIImage representing the background image of the UITextField when it’s disabled. |
Here is are some example of using each of the border styles
// Border Style None [myTextField setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleNone];
// Border Style Line [myTextField setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleLine];
// Border Style Bezel [myTextField setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleBezel];
// Border Style Rounded Rect [myTextField setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect];
myTextField.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; myTextField.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; myTextField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleNone; myTextField.background = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bg.png"];
Setting the view’s background appearance
Managing Overlay Views
Another interesting way of customizing your UITextFields is to use an overlay. UITextField offers a left and right overlay for your UITextFields. Here are the properties:clearButtonMode | The circled X that gets displayed when typing. Used to clear out the text. Possible values: UITextFieldViewModeNever, UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing, UITextFieldViewModeUnlessEditing, UITextFieldViewModeAlways |
leftView | The view that appears to the left inside a UITextField. This could be something like a magnifying glass for search. |
leftViewMode | Works like clearButtonMode, but toggles the leftView. |
rightView | Same as leftView, except it aligns to the right. |
rightViewMode | Same as leftViewMode but controls the rightView |
UIImageView * myView = [[ UIImageView alloc ] initWithImage : [UIImage imageNamed : @"wordpress.png" ]]; [myTextField setLeftView :myView]; [ myTextField setLeftViewMode: UITextFieldViewModeAlways]; [myView release ];
As you can see, the text aligns after the image. This is a very simple way to really spruce up your UITextFields.
The last thing we are going to discuss is showing and hiding the keyboard.
Showing and Hiding The Keyboard
To show the keyboard:[myTextField becomeFirstResponder];
[myTextField resignFirstResponder];
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